Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders

  • Scope out the IV&V contracs and statement of works.
  • Perform the evaluation of IV&V Providers and engages their services.
  • Work with the IV&V Provider and other stakeholders towards a successful ICT project implementation.
  • Perform the ICT development, CTOS customisation and solution implementation as engaged by Agency.
  • Know where and how they will need to interface synchronize with IV&V Providers and Agency, during and ICT project.
  • Perform the typical software development activities including requirements, analysis & design, coding, testing, training etc.
  • Third-party organization that provides IV&V services.
  • Monitor the quality.
  • Communicate the quality assessment findings objectively and in a timely manner.
  • Collaborate with Agency's appointed Development Team and experts.
  • Works with Agency to review quality plans, assist in determining the need for and selection of an IV&V Provider for specific projects.
  • Confirm IV&V Provider independence and project estimations.
  • Provide advice and feedback on matters related to IV&V Engagements, including IPP and Quality Gate.
  • Measure or obtain measurements of quality level at respective milestones, also known as 'Quality Gates'.
  • Educate and train Agency's staff on IV&V and activities across engagement phases, testing types, and testing needs.
  • Support quality status reporting and issue close-out by Agency.
  • Ensure project metrics and data are collected at Agency level, and then consolidate at MyTCoE.